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Photo of Shanna D. Stryker, MD,MPH

Shanna D. Stryker, MD,MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical

Family & Community Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Global Health and Faculty Development)
  • MPH: University of Cincinnati (Global Health)
  • Residency: University of Cincinnati (Family Medicine and Psychiatry)
  • Medical Degree: Wright State University
  • Bachelor of Science: University of Pittsburgh (Psychology, Minors in Social Work and Chemistry)
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Psychiatry) (Certification Date: 2018-09-24)


Family Medicine

Contact Information
Research Interests

I am interested in health justice, particularly for LGBTQIA+ individuals and immigrants and refugees. Clinically, I provide care to many transgender and gender non-conforming adults. I believe that medical education and the integration of behavioral health services into the primary care setting are important vehicles for health system innovation. 

My research goals include improving access to meaningful, affirming healthcare for marginalized groups. I use implementation scien...

Clinical Interests

Family Medicine


Peer Reviewed Publications

Madzia, Jules L; Stryker, Shanna D; Bamford, Leigh M; Pickle, Sarah; McKenna, Victoria S 2024. Gender-Diverse Patients' Awareness and Utilization of Gender-Affirming Laryngological Services. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology, , 34894241232488

Stryker, Shanna D; Hargraves, Daniel; Velasquez, Veronica; Gottschlich, Melissa; Cafferty, Patrick; Vale, Darla; Schlaudecker, Jeff; Pallerla, Harini; Rich, Megan 2024. The Community Primary Care Champions Fellowship: a mixed methods evaluation of an interprofessional fellowship for physician assistants and physicians. BMC medical education, 24 1, 556

Stryker, Shanna D; Rabin, Julia; Castelin, Stephanie; Jacquez, Farrah; Chinchilla, Karen; Peralta, Jenniffer; Vaughn, Lisa M 2024. Stress management preferences and stress experiences among Latinx immigrants in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mixed-methods results from a community-academic research team. Global mental health (Cambridge, England), 11 , e94

Sullivan, Erika Anne; Stryker, Shanna D; Blaszczak, Julie; Spielvogel, Ryan; Ho, Tiffany; Kiraly, Bernadette; MacVane, Lisa; Nixon, Rachel; Sabb, Dylan M; Venkatesan, Anita; Rodríguez, José E 2024. Transgender Care Is Family Medicine: A Call to Action. Family medicine, 56 4, 229-233

Cockroft, Joshua D; Rabin, Julia; Yockey, R Andrew; Toledo, Isabella; Fain, Susan; Jacquez, Farrah; Vaughn, Lisa M; Stryker, Shanna D 2023. Psychometric Properties of Scales Measuring Resilience in U.S. Latinx Populations: A Systematic Review. Health equity, 7 1, 148-160

de la Garza Iga, Francisco Javier; Mejía Alvarez, Marinés; Cockroft, Joshua D; Rabin, Julia; Cordón, Ana; Elias Rodas, Dina Maria; Grazioso, Maria Del Pilar; Espinola, Maria; O'Dea, Christine; Schubert, Charles; Stryker, Shanna D 2023. Using the project ECHO™ model to teach mental health topics in rural Guatemala: An implementation science-guided evaluation. The International journal of social psychiatry, 69 8, 2031-2041

Stantliff, Trevor M; Houshel, Lauren; Goswami, Rinki; Millow, Serenity; Cook, Gabrielle; Knapmeyer, Robin; Easton, Christa; Stryker, Shanna D; Williams, Kelli M; Walter, Martha; Mooney, Jennifer; Huaman, Moises A 2023. The latent tuberculosis infection cascade of care during the COVID-19 pandemic response in a Mid-Sized US city. Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, 31 , 100367

Stryker, Shanna D; Conway, Katharine; Kaeppler, Caitlin; Porada, Kelsey; Tam, Reena P; Holmberg, Peter J; Schubert, Charles 2023. Underprepared: influences of U.S. medical students' self-assessed confidence in immigrant and refugee health care. Medical education online, 28 1, 2161117

Vijapura, Charmi; Tobler, Juliana; Wahab, Rifat A; Smith, M Lynne; Brown, Ann L; Pickle, Sarah; Stryker, Shanna D; Spalluto, Lucy B; England, Eric; Kanfi, Alisa 2023. Resident Attitudes and Experiences with a Novel Radiology-based Transgender Curriculum: A Qualitative Study. Academic radiology, ,

Yockey, R Andrew; Cristol, Benjamin A; Stryker, Shanna; Kline, Nolan 2023. Typical Sources and Locations of Marijuana among US Young Adults: Differences by Sexual Minority Status. Substance use & misuse, 58 5, 704-708

Ricks, JaNelle M; Arthur, Elizabeth K; Stryker, Shanna D; Yockey, R Andrew; Anderson, Avery M; Allensworth-Davies, Donald 2022. A Systematic Literature Review of Community-Based Participatory Health Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Communities. Health equity, 6 1, 640-657

Stryker, Shanna D; Pallerla, Harini; Yockey, R Andrew; Bedard-Thomas, Julia; Pickle, Sarah 2022. Training Mental Health Professionals in Gender-Affirming Care: A Survey of Experienced Clinicians. Transgender health, 7 1, 68-77

Kaeppler, Caitlin; Holmberg, Peter; Tam, Reena P; Porada, Kelsey; Stryker, Shanna D; Conway, Kate; Schubert, Charles 2021. The impact of global health opportunities on residency selection. BMC medical education, 21 1, 384

Schlaudecker J, Hargraves D, Stryker SD, Cafferty P, Gottschlich M, Rich M 2021. Transition of a Primary Care Fellowship to A Virtual Format: Lessons Learned Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences, 12 4, 287

Shanna D. Stryker, Harini Pallerla, R. Andrew Yockey, Julia Bedard-Thomas, and Sarah Pickle 2021. Training Mental Health Professionals in Gender-Affirming Care: A Survey of Experienced Clinicians Transgender Health, online ,

Stryker, Shanna D; Andrew Yockey, Robert; Rabin, Julia; Vaughn, Lisa M; Jacquez, Farrah 2021. How Do We Measure Stress in Latinos in the United States? A Systematic Review. Health equity, 5 1, 338-344

Stryker, Shanna D; Kishton, Rachel; Nichols, Beatrice; Hargraves, Daniel; Goodnow, Keesha; Doarn, Charles R; Brown, Jennifer L 2021. 'Depression is not a familiar word': A mixed-methods approach to describe the experience of primary care nurses treating depression in rural Guatemala. The International journal of social psychiatry, , 207640211047882

Yockey, Andrew; Stryker, Shanna 2021. The Epidemiology of Cocaine Use Among Hispanic Individuals: Findings From the 2015-2018 National Survey of Drug Use and Health. Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 19 2, 105-111

Stryker, Shanna Duffy; Pallerla, Harini; Pickle, Sarah 2020. Considerations on medical training for gender-affirming care: Motivations and perspectives. International journal of transgender health, 21 1, 79-88

Duffy, Shanna O; Squires, Janet; Fromkin, Janet B; Berger, Rachel P 2011. Use of skeletal surveys to evaluate for physical abuse: analysis of 703 consecutive skeletal surveys. Pediatrics, 127 1, e47-52

Abstract Publications

Stryker SD, Madzia J, Yokoyama J, Baker-Rogers B, Lu E, Hettesheimer L, Yockey RA, Pickle S. 2023. Preferences for Cervical Cancer Screening Method Among Patients of an SGM-Serving Community Health Center in the Midwest. Abstract 29 in:Abstracts from NIH National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences: The Science of Cancer Health Equity for Sexual and Gender Minority Communities Conference LGBT Health, ,

Stryker SD, Yokoyama J, Madzia J, Hettesheimer L, Baker-Rogers B, Lu E, Yockey RA, Pickle S. 2023. Implementation of a Cervical Cancer Screening Program in an SGM-Serving Community Health Center: Lessons Learned. Abstract 44 in:Abstracts from NIH National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences: The Science of Cancer Health Equity for Sexual and Gender Minority Communities Conference LGBT Health, ,