Education/CredentialsCertificate of Advanced Study: Boston University (Speech Language Pathology)Doctorate Degree: Yale University (Experimental Linguistics)Master's Degree: Yale University (Linguistics)Bachelor's Degree: Harvard University (Linguistics and Anthropology) Contact Information Email Research InterestsMy main interests lie in the intersection of phonology and phonetics across normal and disordered speech and language. My expertise lies in the interaction of articulation and acoustics of speech. Current reseach concerns acoustical modeling of vocal tract shapes during liquid consonants, and in imaging the movement of speech articulators. Peer Reviewed Publications Hashemi Hosseinabad, Hedieh; Washington, Karla N; Boyce, Suzanne E; Silbert, Noah; Kummer, Ann W 2021. Assessment of Intelligibility in Children with Velopharyngeal Insufficiency: The Relationship between Intelligibility in Context Scale and Experimental Measures. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), , 1-12Speights Atkins, Marisha; Bailey, Dallin J; Boyce, Suzanne E 2020. Speech exemplar and evaluation database (SEED) for clinical training in articulatory phonetics and speech science. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 34 9, 878-886Anand, C., Lamb, M., Dugan, S., Li, S., Woeste, H., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C., Boyce, S., Jackson, S., Baxi, A, Seward, R. 2019. Using Ultrasound Imaging to Create Augmented Visual Biofeedback for Articulatory Practice. Proceedings of Interspeech, , Dugan, Sarah; Li, Sarah R; Masterson, Jack; Woeste, Hannah; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Spencer, Caroline; Mast, T Douglas; Riley, Michael A; Boyce, Suzanne E 2019. Tongue Part Movement Trajectories for /r/ Using Ultrasound. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, 4 6, 1644-1652Li, S., Woeste, H., Dugan, S., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Anand, C., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C. & Boyce, S 2019. Differentiating Normal vs Misarticulated Tongue Trajectories from Ultrasound for Fast Automatic Articulatory Biofeedback. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Science, , Speights, M., Boyce, S., MacAuslan, J., Silbert, N. 2019. Computer-Assisted Syllable Complexity Analysis of Continuous Speech as a Measure of Child Speech Disorders. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, , Whalen, D., Kang, J. Iwasaki, R., Shejaeya, G., Kim, B., Roon, K., Tiede, M., Preston, J., Phillips, E., McAllister, T., & Boyce, S. 2019. Accuracy Assessments of Hand and Automatic Measurements of Ultrasound Images of the Tongue. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences., , Dugan, Sarah Hamilton; Silbert, Noah; McAllister, Tara; Preston, Jonathan L; Sotto, Carolyn; Boyce, Suzanne E 2018. Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, , 1-21Preston, Jonathan L; McAllister Byun, Tara; Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah; Tiede, Mark; Phillips, Emily; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed; Whalen, Douglas H 2017. Ultrasound Images of the Tongue: A Tutorial for Assessment and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 119, Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah M; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed 2016. Acquiring rhoticity across languages: An ultrasound study of differentiating tongue movements. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 30 3-5, 174-201Boyce, Suzanne E 2015. The Articulatory Phonetics of /r/ for Residual Speech Errors. Seminars in speech and language, 36 4, 257-70Goldhor, R., Boyce, S., Chenausky, K., Gilbert, K., Hamilton, S., & Cin, J. 2014. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source seperation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 18 , 05504Boyce, S., Krause, J., Hamilton, S., Smiljanic, R., Bradlow, A.R., River-Campus, A., & MacAuslan, J. 2013. Using landmark detection to measure clear speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 19 , 060129Boyce, S., Speights, M., Ishikawa, K., MacAuslan, J. 2013. SpeechMark Acoustic Landmark Tool: Application to Voice Pathology Proceedings of Interspeech, Lyons, FR. , , Boyce, S., Fell, H., MacAuslan, J. & Wilde, L. 2010. A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology. , , Groves-Wright, K., Kelchner, L., & Boyce, S. 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53 , 620-632Groves-Wright, Kathy Jean; Boyce, Suzanne; Kelchner, Lisa 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 53 3, 620-32Murugappan, S., Boyce, S. ,Khosla, S., Kelchner, L. & Gutmark, E. 2010. Acoustic Characteristics of Wet Voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2573-2589Murugappan, Shanmugam; Boyce, Suzanne; Khosla, Sid; Kelchner, Lisa; Gutmark, Ephraim 2010. Acoustic characteristics of phonation in "wet voice" conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2578-89Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Tiede, M., & Boyce, S. 2010. An MRI-based Articulatory and Acoustic Study of Lateral Sounds in American English. , , Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S., Tiede, M., Holland, C., & Choe, A. 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of “retroflex” and “bunched” American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103 6, 4466-4481Zhou, Xinhui; Espy-Wilson, Carol Y; Boyce, Suzanne; Tiede, Mark; Holland, Christy; Choe, Ann 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 6, 4466-81More, S., Lim, Teik, Li, Mingfeng, Holland, C., Boyce, S. & Lee, J. 2006. Acoustic Noise Characteristics of a 4 Tesla MRI Scanner. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23 3, 388-397More, Shashikant R; Lim, Teik C; Li, Mingfeng; Holland, Christy K; Boyce, Suzanne E; Lee, Jing-Huei 2006. Acoustic noise characteristics of a 4 Telsa MRI scanner. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 23 3, 388-97Scarborough, D., Boyce, S., McCain, G., Oppenheimer, S., August, A., Neils Strunjas, J. 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48 6, 460-464Scarborough, Donna R; Boyce, Suzanne; McCain, Gail; Oppenheimer, Sonya; August, Anna; Strinjas, Jean Neils 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 48 6, 460-4Zhang, Z., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S. & Tiede, M. 2005. Modeling of the Front Cavity and Sublingual Space in American English Rhotic Sounds. , , Zhang, Zhaoyan ,Boyce, S.,Espy-Wilson, C. & Tiede, M. 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/. , , Zhaoyan, Z., Boyce, S.,,Espy-Wilson, C. and Tiede, M 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/ Proceedings, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, SP, , Jackson, M T; Espy-Wilson, C; Boyce, S E 2001. Verifying a vocal tract model with a closed side-branch. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109 6, 2983-7Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Jackson, M; Narayanan, S; Alwan, A 2000. Acoustic modeling of American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108 1, 343-56Guenther, F H; Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Matthies, M L; Zandipour, M; Perkell, J S 1999. Articulatory tradeoffs reduce acoustic variability during American English /r/ production. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105 5, 2854-65.Boyce, S. E. & Espy-Wilson, C. Y. 1997. Coarticulatory Stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753Espy-Wilson C., Narayanan, S., Boyce, S. E., & Alwan, A. 1997. Acoustical Modeling of American English /r/. Proceedings of Eurospeech '97, , Boyce, S., Krakow, R., & Bell-Berti, F. 1995. Phonological Underspecification and Speech Motor Organization Phonology, 8 2, 210-236.Boyce, S E 1990. Coarticulatory organization for lip rounding in Turkish and English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 88 6, 2584-95Boyce, S., Krakow, R., Bell-Berti, F. & Gelfer, C. 1990. Converging sources of evidence for dissecting articulation into core gestures Journal of Phonetics , 18 , 173-188. Katz, L., S. E. Boyce, L. Goldstein and Lukatela, G. 1987. Grammatical Information Effects in Auditory Word Recognition Cognition , 25 , 235-263Boyce, S., Browman, C., & Goldstein, L. 1987. Lexical Organization and Welsh Consonant Mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 , 419-452Baer, T., Gore, J., Boyce, S. & Nye, P. 1986. Application of magnetic resonance imaging to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging , 5 , 1-7Boyce, S. 1983. A perceptual analog of change in progress in Welsh Haskins Laboratories Status Report on Speech Research , 76 , 159-165Kutik, E., Cooper, W., & Boyce, S. 1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers' production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 73 5, 731-1738Menn, L. and Boyce, S. 1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech , 25 , 341-383Boyce, S. & Menn, L. 1979. Peaks vary, endpoints don't: Implications for intonation theory. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. , , Perkell, J. , Boyce, S. and Stevens, S. 1979. Articulatory and acoustical correlates of the [s-ʃ] distinction Speech Communication Papers, 97th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. , Boyce S.;Fell H.;MacAuslan J. 12-01-2012. SpeechMark: Landmark detection tool for speech analysis 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, 3 , 1892-1895Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 12-01-2007. An articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English rhotic sound based International Speech Communication Association - 8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2007, 3 , 1869-1872Boyce S.;Espy-wilson C. 12-01-1996. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, Proceedings, 3 , 1577-1580Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 11-08-2010. AN MRI-based articulatory and acoustic study of lateral sound in American English ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, , 4182-4185Ishikawa K.;Macauslan J.;Boyce S. 11-01-2017. Toward clinical application of landmark-based speech analysis: Landmark expression in normal adult s Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 5, EL441-EL447 Sundström E.; Boyce S.; Oren L. 10-01-2020. Effects of velopharyngeal openings on flow characteristics of nasal emission Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19 5, 1447-1459Zhou X.;Boyce S.;MacAuslan J.;Carr W.;Balkin T.;Picchioni D.;Braun A.;Espy-Wilson C. 09-21-2009. Erratum: 1aSCb14. Effects of sleep deprivation on nasalization in speech (Journal of the Acoustical Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 3, 1607Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-09-2019. Remediating Residual Rhotic Errors With Traditional and Ultrasound-Enhanced Treatment: A Single-Case American journal of speech-language pathology, 28 3, 1167-1183Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-01-2018. Treatment for residual rhotic errors with high-and low-frequency ultrasound visual feedback: A singl Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61 8, 1875-1892Boyce S.;Krause J.;Hamilton S.;Smiljanic R.;Bradlow A.;Rivera-Campos A.;MacAuslan J. 06-19-2013. Using Landmark Detection to measure effective Clear Speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Rivera-Campos A.;Boyce S. 06-19-2013. Describing alternative articulations of the Spanish trill /r/ by ultrasound technology Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Spencer C.; Vannest J.; Maas E.; Preston J.L.; Redle E.; Maloney T.; Boyce S. 06-01-2021. Neuroimaging of the syllable repetition task in children with residual speech sound disorder Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64 6s, 2223-2233Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C. 06-01-1997. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753 Oren L.; Rollins M.; Padakanti S.; Kummer A.; Gutmark E.; Boyce S. 05-01-2020. Using High-Speed Nasopharyngoscopy to Quantify the Bubbling Above the Velopharyngeal Valve in Cases Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 57 5, 637-645Riegler L.;Neils-Strunjas J.;Boyce S.;Wade S.;Scheifele P. 04-15-2013. Cognitive intervention results in web-based videophone treatment adherence and improved cognitive sc Medical Science Monitor, 19 1, 269-275Tiede M.;Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C.;Gracco V. 03-22-2012. Variability of North American English /r/ production in response to palatal perturbation Speech Motor Control: New Developments in Basic and Applied Research, , Oren L.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 03-01-2022. Secretion Bubbling as the Sound Mechanism for Nasal Rustle: A Perceptual Study Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65 3, 869-877Ishikawa K.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S.;Kelchner L.;Silbert N.;Boyce S. 02-01-2018. Predicting Intelligibility Deficit in Dysphonic Speech with Cepstral Peak Prominence Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 127 2, 69-78 Li S.R.; Dugan S.; Masterson J.; Hudepohl H.; Annand C.; Spencer C.; Seward R.; Riley M.A.; Boyce S.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2022. Classification of accurate and misarticulated /?r/ for ultrasound biofeedback using tongue part disp Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Hosseinabad H.H.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 01-01-2021. Nasal rustle: The retrospective and prospective investigation of effects of bubbling of secretions o International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 140 , Li S.R.; Annand C.T.; Dugan S.; Schwab S.M.; Eary K.J.; Swearengen M.; Stack S.; Boyce S.; Riley M.A.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2021. An automatic, simple ultrasound biofeedback parameter for distinguishing accurate and misarticulated Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 1 , 471-475 Cialdella L.; Kabakoff H.; Preston J.L.; Dugan S.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Tiede M.; Whalen D.H.; McAllister T. 01-01-2020. Auditory-perceptual acuity in rhotic misarticulation: baseline characteristics and treatment respons Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Annand C.T.; Lamb M.; Dugan S.; Li S.R.; Woeste H.M.; Douglas Mast T.; Riley M.A.; Masterson J.A.; Mahalingam N.; Eary K.J.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Jackson S.; Baxi A.; Seward R. 01-01-2019. Using ultrasound imaging to create augmented visual biofeedback for articulatory practice Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2019-September , 974-975Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech Journal of Voice, , Oren L.;Kummer A.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Understanding Nasal Emission During Speech Production: A Review of Types, Terminology, and Causality Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, , Ishikawa K.;Boyce S.;Kelchner L.;Powell M.G.;Schieve H.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S. 01-01-2017. The effect of background noise on intelligibility of dysphonic speech Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60 7, 1919-1929Boyce S.;Speights M.;Ishikawa K.;MacAuslan J. 01-01-2013. Speechmark acoustic landmark tool: Application to voice pathology Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, , 2672-2674Goldhor R.;Boyce S.;Chenausky K.;Gilbert K.;Hamilton S.;Cin J. 01-01-2012. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source separation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 18 1, Boyce S.;Fell H.;Wilde L.;Macauslan J. 01-01-2011. Automated tools for identifying syllabic landmark clusters that reflect changes in articulation Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications - 7th International Workshop, MAVEBA 2011, , 63-66 Boyce S.; Fell H.; MacAuslan J.; Wilde L. 01-01-2010. Platform for automated acoustic analysis for assistive technology Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, SLPAT 2010 at the 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2010, , 37-43Zhang Z.;Espy-Wilson C.;Boyce S.;Tiede M. 01-01-2005. Modeling of the front cavity and sublingual space in American English rhotic sounds ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, I , Boyce S.;Krakow R.;Bell-Berti F. 01-01-1991. Phonological under specification and speech motor organisation Phonology, 8 2, 219-236 Boyce S.; Browman C.P.; Goldstein L. 01-01-1987. Lexical organization and Welsh consonant mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 4, 419-452 Katz L.; Boyce S.; Goldstein L.; Lukatela G. 01-01-1987. Grammatical information effects in auditory word recognition Cognition, 25 3, 235-263Baer T.;Gore J.;Boyce S.;Nye P. 01-01-1987. Application of MRI to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 5 1, 1-7Kutik E.;Cooper W.;Boyce S. 01-01-1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers’ production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73 5, 1731-1738Menn L.;Boyce S. 01-01-1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech, 25 4, 341-383
Research InterestsMy main interests lie in the intersection of phonology and phonetics across normal and disordered speech and language. My expertise lies in the interaction of articulation and acoustics of speech. Current reseach concerns acoustical modeling of vocal tract shapes during liquid consonants, and in imaging the movement of speech articulators.
Peer Reviewed Publications Hashemi Hosseinabad, Hedieh; Washington, Karla N; Boyce, Suzanne E; Silbert, Noah; Kummer, Ann W 2021. Assessment of Intelligibility in Children with Velopharyngeal Insufficiency: The Relationship between Intelligibility in Context Scale and Experimental Measures. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), , 1-12Speights Atkins, Marisha; Bailey, Dallin J; Boyce, Suzanne E 2020. Speech exemplar and evaluation database (SEED) for clinical training in articulatory phonetics and speech science. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 34 9, 878-886Anand, C., Lamb, M., Dugan, S., Li, S., Woeste, H., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C., Boyce, S., Jackson, S., Baxi, A, Seward, R. 2019. Using Ultrasound Imaging to Create Augmented Visual Biofeedback for Articulatory Practice. Proceedings of Interspeech, , Dugan, Sarah; Li, Sarah R; Masterson, Jack; Woeste, Hannah; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Spencer, Caroline; Mast, T Douglas; Riley, Michael A; Boyce, Suzanne E 2019. Tongue Part Movement Trajectories for /r/ Using Ultrasound. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, 4 6, 1644-1652Li, S., Woeste, H., Dugan, S., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Anand, C., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C. & Boyce, S 2019. Differentiating Normal vs Misarticulated Tongue Trajectories from Ultrasound for Fast Automatic Articulatory Biofeedback. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Science, , Speights, M., Boyce, S., MacAuslan, J., Silbert, N. 2019. Computer-Assisted Syllable Complexity Analysis of Continuous Speech as a Measure of Child Speech Disorders. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, , Whalen, D., Kang, J. Iwasaki, R., Shejaeya, G., Kim, B., Roon, K., Tiede, M., Preston, J., Phillips, E., McAllister, T., & Boyce, S. 2019. Accuracy Assessments of Hand and Automatic Measurements of Ultrasound Images of the Tongue. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences., , Dugan, Sarah Hamilton; Silbert, Noah; McAllister, Tara; Preston, Jonathan L; Sotto, Carolyn; Boyce, Suzanne E 2018. Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, , 1-21Preston, Jonathan L; McAllister Byun, Tara; Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah; Tiede, Mark; Phillips, Emily; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed; Whalen, Douglas H 2017. Ultrasound Images of the Tongue: A Tutorial for Assessment and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 119, Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah M; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed 2016. Acquiring rhoticity across languages: An ultrasound study of differentiating tongue movements. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 30 3-5, 174-201Boyce, Suzanne E 2015. The Articulatory Phonetics of /r/ for Residual Speech Errors. Seminars in speech and language, 36 4, 257-70Goldhor, R., Boyce, S., Chenausky, K., Gilbert, K., Hamilton, S., & Cin, J. 2014. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source seperation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 18 , 05504Boyce, S., Krause, J., Hamilton, S., Smiljanic, R., Bradlow, A.R., River-Campus, A., & MacAuslan, J. 2013. Using landmark detection to measure clear speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 19 , 060129Boyce, S., Speights, M., Ishikawa, K., MacAuslan, J. 2013. SpeechMark Acoustic Landmark Tool: Application to Voice Pathology Proceedings of Interspeech, Lyons, FR. , , Boyce, S., Fell, H., MacAuslan, J. & Wilde, L. 2010. A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology. , , Groves-Wright, K., Kelchner, L., & Boyce, S. 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53 , 620-632Groves-Wright, Kathy Jean; Boyce, Suzanne; Kelchner, Lisa 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 53 3, 620-32Murugappan, S., Boyce, S. ,Khosla, S., Kelchner, L. & Gutmark, E. 2010. Acoustic Characteristics of Wet Voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2573-2589Murugappan, Shanmugam; Boyce, Suzanne; Khosla, Sid; Kelchner, Lisa; Gutmark, Ephraim 2010. Acoustic characteristics of phonation in "wet voice" conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2578-89Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Tiede, M., & Boyce, S. 2010. An MRI-based Articulatory and Acoustic Study of Lateral Sounds in American English. , , Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S., Tiede, M., Holland, C., & Choe, A. 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of “retroflex” and “bunched” American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103 6, 4466-4481Zhou, Xinhui; Espy-Wilson, Carol Y; Boyce, Suzanne; Tiede, Mark; Holland, Christy; Choe, Ann 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 6, 4466-81More, S., Lim, Teik, Li, Mingfeng, Holland, C., Boyce, S. & Lee, J. 2006. Acoustic Noise Characteristics of a 4 Tesla MRI Scanner. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23 3, 388-397More, Shashikant R; Lim, Teik C; Li, Mingfeng; Holland, Christy K; Boyce, Suzanne E; Lee, Jing-Huei 2006. Acoustic noise characteristics of a 4 Telsa MRI scanner. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 23 3, 388-97Scarborough, D., Boyce, S., McCain, G., Oppenheimer, S., August, A., Neils Strunjas, J. 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48 6, 460-464Scarborough, Donna R; Boyce, Suzanne; McCain, Gail; Oppenheimer, Sonya; August, Anna; Strinjas, Jean Neils 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 48 6, 460-4Zhang, Z., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S. & Tiede, M. 2005. Modeling of the Front Cavity and Sublingual Space in American English Rhotic Sounds. , , Zhang, Zhaoyan ,Boyce, S.,Espy-Wilson, C. & Tiede, M. 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/. , , Zhaoyan, Z., Boyce, S.,,Espy-Wilson, C. and Tiede, M 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/ Proceedings, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, SP, , Jackson, M T; Espy-Wilson, C; Boyce, S E 2001. Verifying a vocal tract model with a closed side-branch. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109 6, 2983-7Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Jackson, M; Narayanan, S; Alwan, A 2000. Acoustic modeling of American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108 1, 343-56Guenther, F H; Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Matthies, M L; Zandipour, M; Perkell, J S 1999. Articulatory tradeoffs reduce acoustic variability during American English /r/ production. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105 5, 2854-65.Boyce, S. E. & Espy-Wilson, C. Y. 1997. Coarticulatory Stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753Espy-Wilson C., Narayanan, S., Boyce, S. E., & Alwan, A. 1997. Acoustical Modeling of American English /r/. Proceedings of Eurospeech '97, , Boyce, S., Krakow, R., & Bell-Berti, F. 1995. Phonological Underspecification and Speech Motor Organization Phonology, 8 2, 210-236.Boyce, S E 1990. Coarticulatory organization for lip rounding in Turkish and English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 88 6, 2584-95Boyce, S., Krakow, R., Bell-Berti, F. & Gelfer, C. 1990. Converging sources of evidence for dissecting articulation into core gestures Journal of Phonetics , 18 , 173-188. Katz, L., S. E. Boyce, L. Goldstein and Lukatela, G. 1987. Grammatical Information Effects in Auditory Word Recognition Cognition , 25 , 235-263Boyce, S., Browman, C., & Goldstein, L. 1987. Lexical Organization and Welsh Consonant Mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 , 419-452Baer, T., Gore, J., Boyce, S. & Nye, P. 1986. Application of magnetic resonance imaging to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging , 5 , 1-7Boyce, S. 1983. A perceptual analog of change in progress in Welsh Haskins Laboratories Status Report on Speech Research , 76 , 159-165Kutik, E., Cooper, W., & Boyce, S. 1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers' production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 73 5, 731-1738Menn, L. and Boyce, S. 1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech , 25 , 341-383Boyce, S. & Menn, L. 1979. Peaks vary, endpoints don't: Implications for intonation theory. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. , , Perkell, J. , Boyce, S. and Stevens, S. 1979. Articulatory and acoustical correlates of the [s-ʃ] distinction Speech Communication Papers, 97th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. , Boyce S.;Fell H.;MacAuslan J. 12-01-2012. SpeechMark: Landmark detection tool for speech analysis 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, 3 , 1892-1895Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 12-01-2007. An articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English rhotic sound based International Speech Communication Association - 8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2007, 3 , 1869-1872Boyce S.;Espy-wilson C. 12-01-1996. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, Proceedings, 3 , 1577-1580Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 11-08-2010. AN MRI-based articulatory and acoustic study of lateral sound in American English ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, , 4182-4185Ishikawa K.;Macauslan J.;Boyce S. 11-01-2017. Toward clinical application of landmark-based speech analysis: Landmark expression in normal adult s Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 5, EL441-EL447 Sundström E.; Boyce S.; Oren L. 10-01-2020. Effects of velopharyngeal openings on flow characteristics of nasal emission Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19 5, 1447-1459Zhou X.;Boyce S.;MacAuslan J.;Carr W.;Balkin T.;Picchioni D.;Braun A.;Espy-Wilson C. 09-21-2009. Erratum: 1aSCb14. Effects of sleep deprivation on nasalization in speech (Journal of the Acoustical Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 3, 1607Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-09-2019. Remediating Residual Rhotic Errors With Traditional and Ultrasound-Enhanced Treatment: A Single-Case American journal of speech-language pathology, 28 3, 1167-1183Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-01-2018. Treatment for residual rhotic errors with high-and low-frequency ultrasound visual feedback: A singl Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61 8, 1875-1892Boyce S.;Krause J.;Hamilton S.;Smiljanic R.;Bradlow A.;Rivera-Campos A.;MacAuslan J. 06-19-2013. Using Landmark Detection to measure effective Clear Speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Rivera-Campos A.;Boyce S. 06-19-2013. Describing alternative articulations of the Spanish trill /r/ by ultrasound technology Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Spencer C.; Vannest J.; Maas E.; Preston J.L.; Redle E.; Maloney T.; Boyce S. 06-01-2021. Neuroimaging of the syllable repetition task in children with residual speech sound disorder Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64 6s, 2223-2233Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C. 06-01-1997. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753 Oren L.; Rollins M.; Padakanti S.; Kummer A.; Gutmark E.; Boyce S. 05-01-2020. Using High-Speed Nasopharyngoscopy to Quantify the Bubbling Above the Velopharyngeal Valve in Cases Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 57 5, 637-645Riegler L.;Neils-Strunjas J.;Boyce S.;Wade S.;Scheifele P. 04-15-2013. Cognitive intervention results in web-based videophone treatment adherence and improved cognitive sc Medical Science Monitor, 19 1, 269-275Tiede M.;Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C.;Gracco V. 03-22-2012. Variability of North American English /r/ production in response to palatal perturbation Speech Motor Control: New Developments in Basic and Applied Research, , Oren L.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 03-01-2022. Secretion Bubbling as the Sound Mechanism for Nasal Rustle: A Perceptual Study Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65 3, 869-877Ishikawa K.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S.;Kelchner L.;Silbert N.;Boyce S. 02-01-2018. Predicting Intelligibility Deficit in Dysphonic Speech with Cepstral Peak Prominence Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 127 2, 69-78 Li S.R.; Dugan S.; Masterson J.; Hudepohl H.; Annand C.; Spencer C.; Seward R.; Riley M.A.; Boyce S.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2022. Classification of accurate and misarticulated /?r/ for ultrasound biofeedback using tongue part disp Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Hosseinabad H.H.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 01-01-2021. Nasal rustle: The retrospective and prospective investigation of effects of bubbling of secretions o International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 140 , Li S.R.; Annand C.T.; Dugan S.; Schwab S.M.; Eary K.J.; Swearengen M.; Stack S.; Boyce S.; Riley M.A.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2021. An automatic, simple ultrasound biofeedback parameter for distinguishing accurate and misarticulated Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 1 , 471-475 Cialdella L.; Kabakoff H.; Preston J.L.; Dugan S.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Tiede M.; Whalen D.H.; McAllister T. 01-01-2020. Auditory-perceptual acuity in rhotic misarticulation: baseline characteristics and treatment respons Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Annand C.T.; Lamb M.; Dugan S.; Li S.R.; Woeste H.M.; Douglas Mast T.; Riley M.A.; Masterson J.A.; Mahalingam N.; Eary K.J.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Jackson S.; Baxi A.; Seward R. 01-01-2019. Using ultrasound imaging to create augmented visual biofeedback for articulatory practice Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2019-September , 974-975Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech Journal of Voice, , Oren L.;Kummer A.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Understanding Nasal Emission During Speech Production: A Review of Types, Terminology, and Causality Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, , Ishikawa K.;Boyce S.;Kelchner L.;Powell M.G.;Schieve H.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S. 01-01-2017. The effect of background noise on intelligibility of dysphonic speech Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60 7, 1919-1929Boyce S.;Speights M.;Ishikawa K.;MacAuslan J. 01-01-2013. Speechmark acoustic landmark tool: Application to voice pathology Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, , 2672-2674Goldhor R.;Boyce S.;Chenausky K.;Gilbert K.;Hamilton S.;Cin J. 01-01-2012. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source separation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 18 1, Boyce S.;Fell H.;Wilde L.;Macauslan J. 01-01-2011. Automated tools for identifying syllabic landmark clusters that reflect changes in articulation Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications - 7th International Workshop, MAVEBA 2011, , 63-66 Boyce S.; Fell H.; MacAuslan J.; Wilde L. 01-01-2010. Platform for automated acoustic analysis for assistive technology Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, SLPAT 2010 at the 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2010, , 37-43Zhang Z.;Espy-Wilson C.;Boyce S.;Tiede M. 01-01-2005. Modeling of the front cavity and sublingual space in American English rhotic sounds ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, I , Boyce S.;Krakow R.;Bell-Berti F. 01-01-1991. Phonological under specification and speech motor organisation Phonology, 8 2, 219-236 Boyce S.; Browman C.P.; Goldstein L. 01-01-1987. Lexical organization and Welsh consonant mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 4, 419-452 Katz L.; Boyce S.; Goldstein L.; Lukatela G. 01-01-1987. Grammatical information effects in auditory word recognition Cognition, 25 3, 235-263Baer T.;Gore J.;Boyce S.;Nye P. 01-01-1987. Application of MRI to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 5 1, 1-7Kutik E.;Cooper W.;Boyce S. 01-01-1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers’ production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73 5, 1731-1738Menn L.;Boyce S. 01-01-1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech, 25 4, 341-383
Hashemi Hosseinabad, Hedieh; Washington, Karla N; Boyce, Suzanne E; Silbert, Noah; Kummer, Ann W 2021. Assessment of Intelligibility in Children with Velopharyngeal Insufficiency: The Relationship between Intelligibility in Context Scale and Experimental Measures. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica : official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), , 1-12Speights Atkins, Marisha; Bailey, Dallin J; Boyce, Suzanne E 2020. Speech exemplar and evaluation database (SEED) for clinical training in articulatory phonetics and speech science. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 34 9, 878-886Anand, C., Lamb, M., Dugan, S., Li, S., Woeste, H., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C., Boyce, S., Jackson, S., Baxi, A, Seward, R. 2019. Using Ultrasound Imaging to Create Augmented Visual Biofeedback for Articulatory Practice. Proceedings of Interspeech, , Dugan, Sarah; Li, Sarah R; Masterson, Jack; Woeste, Hannah; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Spencer, Caroline; Mast, T Douglas; Riley, Michael A; Boyce, Suzanne E 2019. Tongue Part Movement Trajectories for /r/ Using Ultrasound. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, 4 6, 1644-1652Li, S., Woeste, H., Dugan, S., Mast, T. D., Riley, M., Anand, C., Masterson, J., Mahalingam, N., Eary, K., Spencer, C. & Boyce, S 2019. Differentiating Normal vs Misarticulated Tongue Trajectories from Ultrasound for Fast Automatic Articulatory Biofeedback. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Science, , Speights, M., Boyce, S., MacAuslan, J., Silbert, N. 2019. Computer-Assisted Syllable Complexity Analysis of Continuous Speech as a Measure of Child Speech Disorders. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, , Whalen, D., Kang, J. Iwasaki, R., Shejaeya, G., Kim, B., Roon, K., Tiede, M., Preston, J., Phillips, E., McAllister, T., & Boyce, S. 2019. Accuracy Assessments of Hand and Automatic Measurements of Ultrasound Images of the Tongue. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences., , Dugan, Sarah Hamilton; Silbert, Noah; McAllister, Tara; Preston, Jonathan L; Sotto, Carolyn; Boyce, Suzanne E 2018. Modelling category goodness judgments in children with residual sound errors. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, , 1-21Preston, Jonathan L; McAllister Byun, Tara; Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah; Tiede, Mark; Phillips, Emily; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed; Whalen, Douglas H 2017. Ultrasound Images of the Tongue: A Tutorial for Assessment and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 119, Boyce, Suzanne E; Hamilton, Sarah M; Rivera-Campos, Ahmed 2016. Acquiring rhoticity across languages: An ultrasound study of differentiating tongue movements. Clinical linguistics & phonetics, 30 3-5, 174-201Boyce, Suzanne E 2015. The Articulatory Phonetics of /r/ for Residual Speech Errors. Seminars in speech and language, 36 4, 257-70Goldhor, R., Boyce, S., Chenausky, K., Gilbert, K., Hamilton, S., & Cin, J. 2014. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source seperation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 18 , 05504Boyce, S., Krause, J., Hamilton, S., Smiljanic, R., Bradlow, A.R., River-Campus, A., & MacAuslan, J. 2013. Using landmark detection to measure clear speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 19 , 060129Boyce, S., Speights, M., Ishikawa, K., MacAuslan, J. 2013. SpeechMark Acoustic Landmark Tool: Application to Voice Pathology Proceedings of Interspeech, Lyons, FR. , , Boyce, S., Fell, H., MacAuslan, J. & Wilde, L. 2010. A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology. , , Groves-Wright, K., Kelchner, L., & Boyce, S. 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 53 , 620-632Groves-Wright, Kathy Jean; Boyce, Suzanne; Kelchner, Lisa 2010. Perception of wet vocal quality in identifying penetration/aspiration during swallowing. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 53 3, 620-32Murugappan, S., Boyce, S. ,Khosla, S., Kelchner, L. & Gutmark, E. 2010. Acoustic Characteristics of Wet Voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2573-2589Murugappan, Shanmugam; Boyce, Suzanne; Khosla, Sid; Kelchner, Lisa; Gutmark, Ephraim 2010. Acoustic characteristics of phonation in "wet voice" conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 4, 2578-89Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Tiede, M., & Boyce, S. 2010. An MRI-based Articulatory and Acoustic Study of Lateral Sounds in American English. , , Zhou, X., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S., Tiede, M., Holland, C., & Choe, A. 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of “retroflex” and “bunched” American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103 6, 4466-4481Zhou, Xinhui; Espy-Wilson, Carol Y; Boyce, Suzanne; Tiede, Mark; Holland, Christy; Choe, Ann 2008. A magnetic resonance imaging-based articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 6, 4466-81More, S., Lim, Teik, Li, Mingfeng, Holland, C., Boyce, S. & Lee, J. 2006. Acoustic Noise Characteristics of a 4 Tesla MRI Scanner. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23 3, 388-397More, Shashikant R; Lim, Teik C; Li, Mingfeng; Holland, Christy K; Boyce, Suzanne E; Lee, Jing-Huei 2006. Acoustic noise characteristics of a 4 Telsa MRI scanner. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 23 3, 388-97Scarborough, D., Boyce, S., McCain, G., Oppenheimer, S., August, A., Neils Strunjas, J. 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48 6, 460-464Scarborough, Donna R; Boyce, Suzanne; McCain, Gail; Oppenheimer, Sonya; August, Anna; Strinjas, Jean Neils 2006. Abnormal physiological responses to touch among children with persistent feeding difficulties. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 48 6, 460-4Zhang, Z., Espy-Wilson, C., Boyce, S. & Tiede, M. 2005. Modeling of the Front Cavity and Sublingual Space in American English Rhotic Sounds. , , Zhang, Zhaoyan ,Boyce, S.,Espy-Wilson, C. & Tiede, M. 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/. , , Zhaoyan, Z., Boyce, S.,,Espy-Wilson, C. and Tiede, M 2003. Acoustic Strategies for Production of American English "retroflex" /r/ Proceedings, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, SP, , Jackson, M T; Espy-Wilson, C; Boyce, S E 2001. Verifying a vocal tract model with a closed side-branch. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109 6, 2983-7Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Jackson, M; Narayanan, S; Alwan, A 2000. Acoustic modeling of American English /r/. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108 1, 343-56Guenther, F H; Espy-Wilson, C Y; Boyce, S E; Matthies, M L; Zandipour, M; Perkell, J S 1999. Articulatory tradeoffs reduce acoustic variability during American English /r/ production. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105 5, 2854-65.Boyce, S. E. & Espy-Wilson, C. Y. 1997. Coarticulatory Stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753Espy-Wilson C., Narayanan, S., Boyce, S. E., & Alwan, A. 1997. Acoustical Modeling of American English /r/. Proceedings of Eurospeech '97, , Boyce, S., Krakow, R., & Bell-Berti, F. 1995. Phonological Underspecification and Speech Motor Organization Phonology, 8 2, 210-236.Boyce, S E 1990. Coarticulatory organization for lip rounding in Turkish and English. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 88 6, 2584-95Boyce, S., Krakow, R., Bell-Berti, F. & Gelfer, C. 1990. Converging sources of evidence for dissecting articulation into core gestures Journal of Phonetics , 18 , 173-188. Katz, L., S. E. Boyce, L. Goldstein and Lukatela, G. 1987. Grammatical Information Effects in Auditory Word Recognition Cognition , 25 , 235-263Boyce, S., Browman, C., & Goldstein, L. 1987. Lexical Organization and Welsh Consonant Mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 , 419-452Baer, T., Gore, J., Boyce, S. & Nye, P. 1986. Application of magnetic resonance imaging to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging , 5 , 1-7Boyce, S. 1983. A perceptual analog of change in progress in Welsh Haskins Laboratories Status Report on Speech Research , 76 , 159-165Kutik, E., Cooper, W., & Boyce, S. 1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers' production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 73 5, 731-1738Menn, L. and Boyce, S. 1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech , 25 , 341-383Boyce, S. & Menn, L. 1979. Peaks vary, endpoints don't: Implications for intonation theory. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. , , Perkell, J. , Boyce, S. and Stevens, S. 1979. Articulatory and acoustical correlates of the [s-ʃ] distinction Speech Communication Papers, 97th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. , Boyce S.;Fell H.;MacAuslan J. 12-01-2012. SpeechMark: Landmark detection tool for speech analysis 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012, 3 , 1892-1895Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 12-01-2007. An articulatory and acoustic study of "retroflex" and "bunched" American English rhotic sound based International Speech Communication Association - 8th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech 2007, 3 , 1869-1872Boyce S.;Espy-wilson C. 12-01-1996. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP, Proceedings, 3 , 1577-1580Zhou X.;Espy-Wilson C.Y.;Tiede M.;Boyce S. 11-08-2010. AN MRI-based articulatory and acoustic study of lateral sound in American English ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, , 4182-4185Ishikawa K.;Macauslan J.;Boyce S. 11-01-2017. Toward clinical application of landmark-based speech analysis: Landmark expression in normal adult s Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 5, EL441-EL447 Sundström E.; Boyce S.; Oren L. 10-01-2020. Effects of velopharyngeal openings on flow characteristics of nasal emission Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19 5, 1447-1459Zhou X.;Boyce S.;MacAuslan J.;Carr W.;Balkin T.;Picchioni D.;Braun A.;Espy-Wilson C. 09-21-2009. Erratum: 1aSCb14. Effects of sleep deprivation on nasalization in speech (Journal of the Acoustical Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 3, 1607Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-09-2019. Remediating Residual Rhotic Errors With Traditional and Ultrasound-Enhanced Treatment: A Single-Case American journal of speech-language pathology, 28 3, 1167-1183Preston J.L.;McAllister T.;Phillips E.;Boyce S.;Tiede M.;Kim J.S.;Whalen D.H. 08-01-2018. Treatment for residual rhotic errors with high-and low-frequency ultrasound visual feedback: A singl Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61 8, 1875-1892Boyce S.;Krause J.;Hamilton S.;Smiljanic R.;Bradlow A.;Rivera-Campos A.;MacAuslan J. 06-19-2013. Using Landmark Detection to measure effective Clear Speech Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Rivera-Campos A.;Boyce S. 06-19-2013. Describing alternative articulations of the Spanish trill /r/ by ultrasound technology Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 , Spencer C.; Vannest J.; Maas E.; Preston J.L.; Redle E.; Maloney T.; Boyce S. 06-01-2021. Neuroimaging of the syllable repetition task in children with residual speech sound disorder Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64 6s, 2223-2233Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C. 06-01-1997. Coarticulatory stability in American English /r/ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 6, 3741-3753 Oren L.; Rollins M.; Padakanti S.; Kummer A.; Gutmark E.; Boyce S. 05-01-2020. Using High-Speed Nasopharyngoscopy to Quantify the Bubbling Above the Velopharyngeal Valve in Cases Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 57 5, 637-645Riegler L.;Neils-Strunjas J.;Boyce S.;Wade S.;Scheifele P. 04-15-2013. Cognitive intervention results in web-based videophone treatment adherence and improved cognitive sc Medical Science Monitor, 19 1, 269-275Tiede M.;Boyce S.;Espy-Wilson C.;Gracco V. 03-22-2012. Variability of North American English /r/ production in response to palatal perturbation Speech Motor Control: New Developments in Basic and Applied Research, , Oren L.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 03-01-2022. Secretion Bubbling as the Sound Mechanism for Nasal Rustle: A Perceptual Study Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65 3, 869-877Ishikawa K.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S.;Kelchner L.;Silbert N.;Boyce S. 02-01-2018. Predicting Intelligibility Deficit in Dysphonic Speech with Cepstral Peak Prominence Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 127 2, 69-78 Li S.R.; Dugan S.; Masterson J.; Hudepohl H.; Annand C.; Spencer C.; Seward R.; Riley M.A.; Boyce S.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2022. Classification of accurate and misarticulated /?r/ for ultrasound biofeedback using tongue part disp Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Hosseinabad H.H.; Kummer A.W.; Boyce S. 01-01-2021. Nasal rustle: The retrospective and prospective investigation of effects of bubbling of secretions o International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 140 , Li S.R.; Annand C.T.; Dugan S.; Schwab S.M.; Eary K.J.; Swearengen M.; Stack S.; Boyce S.; Riley M.A.; Mast T.D. 01-01-2021. An automatic, simple ultrasound biofeedback parameter for distinguishing accurate and misarticulated Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 1 , 471-475 Cialdella L.; Kabakoff H.; Preston J.L.; Dugan S.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Tiede M.; Whalen D.H.; McAllister T. 01-01-2020. Auditory-perceptual acuity in rhotic misarticulation: baseline characteristics and treatment respons Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, , Annand C.T.; Lamb M.; Dugan S.; Li S.R.; Woeste H.M.; Douglas Mast T.; Riley M.A.; Masterson J.A.; Mahalingam N.; Eary K.J.; Spencer C.; Boyce S.; Jackson S.; Baxi A.; Seward R. 01-01-2019. Using ultrasound imaging to create augmented visual biofeedback for articulatory practice Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2019-September , 974-975Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech Journal of Voice, , Oren L.;Kummer A.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Understanding Nasal Emission During Speech Production: A Review of Types, Terminology, and Causality Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, , Ishikawa K.;Boyce S.;Kelchner L.;Powell M.G.;Schieve H.;de Alarcon A.;Khosla S. 01-01-2017. The effect of background noise on intelligibility of dysphonic speech Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60 7, 1919-1929Boyce S.;Speights M.;Ishikawa K.;MacAuslan J. 01-01-2013. Speechmark acoustic landmark tool: Application to voice pathology Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, , 2672-2674Goldhor R.;Boyce S.;Chenausky K.;Gilbert K.;Hamilton S.;Cin J. 01-01-2012. Speech enhancement via only mostly blind source separation Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 18 1, Boyce S.;Fell H.;Wilde L.;Macauslan J. 01-01-2011. Automated tools for identifying syllabic landmark clusters that reflect changes in articulation Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications - 7th International Workshop, MAVEBA 2011, , 63-66 Boyce S.; Fell H.; MacAuslan J.; Wilde L. 01-01-2010. Platform for automated acoustic analysis for assistive technology Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, SLPAT 2010 at the 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2010, , 37-43Zhang Z.;Espy-Wilson C.;Boyce S.;Tiede M. 01-01-2005. Modeling of the front cavity and sublingual space in American English rhotic sounds ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, I , Boyce S.;Krakow R.;Bell-Berti F. 01-01-1991. Phonological under specification and speech motor organisation Phonology, 8 2, 219-236 Boyce S.; Browman C.P.; Goldstein L. 01-01-1987. Lexical organization and Welsh consonant mutations Journal of Memory and Language, 26 4, 419-452 Katz L.; Boyce S.; Goldstein L.; Lukatela G. 01-01-1987. Grammatical information effects in auditory word recognition Cognition, 25 3, 235-263Baer T.;Gore J.;Boyce S.;Nye P. 01-01-1987. Application of MRI to the analysis of speech production Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 5 1, 1-7Kutik E.;Cooper W.;Boyce S. 01-01-1983. Declination of fundamental frequency in speakers’ production of parenthetical and main clauses Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73 5, 1731-1738Menn L.;Boyce S. 01-01-1982. Fundamental frequency and discourse structure Language and Speech, 25 4, 341-383