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Breast Imaging | Research Opportunities

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an imaging modality that is used as an adjunct to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the breast. MRI is a test that can give a profile of the chemical makeup of tissue. This profile may eventually be used to know if the tissue is cancer prior to a biopsy, improve the specificity of MRI of the breast, or to monitor the responsiveness of a tumor to treatment.

MRS has not been approved by the FDA for identifying cancer.

Mammographic Tomosynthesis

Tomosynthesis involves the use of an x-ray tube that moves around the breast in an arc capturing multiple images. The data captured in these images is then sent to a computer where it is reformatted into clear, focused, three dimensional, layered images of the breast.

During a tomosynthesis scan the patient is positioned much the same was as for traditional mammography. Images are takes from approximately 11 angles in a continuous arc. These angles generate tomographic slices, or layers. This reduces interference from overlapping structures and enables the physician to see abnormalities that may be otherwise blocked by dense breast tissue.


You can read about current research studies at UC Radiology here UC Radiology Research

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JC Kelly
Phone: 513-558-2100
Fax: 513-558-1599